We recommend to use Alma 9.3 and 5.2.4 from the testing repository.
If you have a node with IPV4 address, you just do:
yum-config-manager --add-repo "https://storage-ci.web.cern.ch/storage-ci/eos/diopside/tag/testing/el-9/x86_64/"
yum-config-manager --add-repo "https://storage-ci.web.cern.ch/storage-ci/eos/diopside-depend/el-9/x86_64/"
yum install -y eos-server eos-quarkdb eos-fusex jemalloc-devel --nogpgcheck
eos daemon sss recreate
# type in the number
eos daemon run qdb
#.... (stays in foreground)
(control-Z bg)
eos daemon run mgm
(control-Z bg)
#.... (stays in foreground)
eos whoami
Virtual Identity: uid=0 (0,3,99) gid=0 (0,4,99) [authz:sss] sudo* host=localhost domain=localdomain
# if you are not uid=0 you might have only IPV6 and a different reverse translation of localhost
# in this case you might try running all eos commands as
# eos -r 0 0 root://localhost
5.2.4 with /var/eos/conf/ configuration runs by default with one service less (no MQ). To register an FST one has to do first:
eos node set `hostname -f`:1095 on
eos daemon run fst
#.... (stays in foreground)
After this you can continue with a simple setup like this:
for name in 01 02 03 04 05 06; do
mkdir -p /data/fst/$name;
chown daemon:daemon /data/fst/$name
eos space define default
eosfstregister -r localhost /data/fst/ default:6
for name in 2 3 4 5 6; do eos fs mv --force $name default.0; done
eos space set default on
eos mkdir /eos/dev/rep-2/
eos mkdir /eos/dev/ec-42/
eos attr set default=replica /eos/dev/rep-2 /
eos attr set default=raid6 /eos/dev/ec-42/
eos chmod 777 /eos/dev/rep-2/
eos chmod 777 /eos/dev/ec-42/
mkdir -p /eos/
eosxd -ofsname=`hostname -f`:/eos/ /eos/
as it is shown here 4.3. Getting Started — EOS DIOPSIDE documentation
But the lines with “mq” have to be skipped, while the FST node has to be enabled before starting the FST daemon.
If this works, you can start the EOS services not anymore manually, but as systemd services as described here:
All this can also be done also with the ‘classical’ approach, where one writes directly 4 configuration files by hand and uses systemd as described here 4.4. Configuration — EOS DIOPSIDE documentation
We will update the manual to reflect the new defaults, where there is no MQ service anymore to start but FSTs have to be registered.
Cheers Andreas.