LRU system setting

Dear experts, can you help me to understand my mistake with LRU setting.

I use documentation:

My settings:

EOS version:
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos --version
EOS 4.8.22 (2020)
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos --version
EOS 4.8.22 (2020)
-bash-4.2$ eos --version
EOS 4.3.11 (CERN)

dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos space status default
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Space Variables
# …
autorepair := on
balancer := on
balancer.node.ntx := 2
balancer.node.rate := 25
balancer.threshold := 20
converter := on
converter.ntx := 10
drainer.node.nfs := 5
drainer.node.ntx := 2
drainer.node.rate := 25
drainperiod := 86400
filearchivedgc := off
geo.access.policy.write.exact := on
geobalancer := on
geobalancer.ntx := 10
geobalancer.threshold := 5
graceperiod := 86400
groupbalancer := on
groupbalancer.ntx := 10
groupbalancer.threshold := 90
groupmod := 50
groupsize := 50
lru := on
lru.interval := 10
quota := off
scaninterval := 604800
scanrate := 100 := 0
tracker := off
wfe := on
wfe.interval := 10
wfe.ntx := 1
dvl-eos-m01:~ #

Catalog attribute setting:
-bash-4.2$ eos attr ls /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache2
sys.workflow.closew.default=" a file has been written!"

I expect all files to copy to this catalog by GEOTAG, but after 1 hour files should change layout to:
“00100002|gathered:RU::JINR::LITDVL" = “plain|gathered:RU::JINR::LITDVL”

I see the first step: all files are saved to nearest FST by geotag:
-bash-4.2$ eos fileinfo /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache2/imm10
File: '/eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache2/imm10' Flags: 0644
Size: 104857600
Modify: Tue Oct 6 21:12:10 2020 Timestamp: 1602007930.531035000
Change: Tue Oct 6 21:12:10 2020 Timestamp: 1602007930.254879876
Birth: Tue Oct 6 21:12:10 2020 Timestamp: 1602007930.254879876
CUid: 13009 CGid: 501 Fxid: 0000005d Fid: 93 Pid: 30 Pxid: 0000001e
XStype: adler XS: 5d c0 00 01 ETAGs: "24964497408:5dc00001"
Layout: plain Stripes: 1 Blocksize: 4k LayoutId: 00100002 Redundancy: d1::t0
#Rep: 1
?no.? fs-id? host? schedgroup? path??? boot? configstatus? drain? active? geotag?
0 83 default.1 /ceph_dev02 booted rw nodrain online RU::PNPI


But files do not change layout afterwards. And I do not see any messages about converting or LRU logs in debug mode.
Do you have any ideas? Where is my mistake?

Hi Andrey,

Can you double check your “sys.lru.convert.match” attribute?
Also can you grep in the MGM logs for any errors in the LRU part. For example:
grep "LRU" /var/log/eos/mgm/xrdlog.mgm


Did you really mean to use ‘10’ for the LRU interval? This would mean you are starting an LRU scan every 10 seconds. Unless you have a very small EOS instance I doubt the LRU could scan everything in 10 seconds. It may be that it won’t start a new one if one is currently running, but I don’t know that for sure.

If you are trying to get it to run frequently for debugging purposes, I would probably set the interval much higher (at least an hour? 3600) and just turn it off and back on to start a new scan.

Also, I’m not sure if the markup here messed things up, but your sys.lru.convert.match
should probably look like this:

The devs can add additional commentary I’m sure.

Dan Szkola

And I do not see any messages about converting or LRU logs in debug mode.

i see info log about my access only. As example:
/var/log/eos/mgm/Clients.log:201007 17:03:06 INFO [00000/00000] root ::open op=read path=/proc/user/ info=eos.rgid=0&eos.ruid=0&mgm.attr.key=sys.lru.convert.match&mgm.attr.value=base64:Kjo+MWg=&mgm.cmd=attr&mgm.enc=b64&mgm.path=/eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache2&mgm.subcmd=set
/var/log/eos/mgm/Clients.log:201007 17:03:06 DEBUG [00099/00099] - ::open json-callback= opaque=eos.rgid=0&eos.ruid=0&mgm.attr.key=sys.lru.convert.match&mgm.attr.value=base64:Kjo+MWg=&mgm.cmd=attr&mgm.enc=b64&mgm.path=/eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache2&mgm.subcmd=set

It is error of edit error. My real setting:
And I changed lru.interval to 360, and change, and restarted LRU:
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos space config default space.lru=off
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos space config default space.lru=on
I do not see effect after restart. But, may be we can wait 1 hour for check "sys.lru.convert.match="*:1h" "

O! Sorry, I see my mistake in previous message. I changed lru.interval to 3600,
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos space status default | grep lru
lru := on
lru.interval := 3600
dvl-eos-m01:~ #

More details:
dvl-eos-m01:~ # grep -i lru /var/log/eos/mgm/xrdlog.mgm > ~/xrdlog.mgm.lru
dvl-eos-m01:~ # scp ~/xrdlog.mgm.lru
Warning: Permanently added ‘,’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
xrdlog.mgm.lru 100% 4532 41.4KB/s 00:00
dvl-eos-m01:~ #

Only my access…

Hi Andrey,

I believe your issue is the sys.lru.convert.match which is missing the *. This should be:

I still don’t understand what is the value for this attribute that you have set. I had a look in the logs but nothing caught my eye.


Thank you, Elvir for help. But it is problem of using the editor of messages. Look please screen - I hope it is correct.

I will repeat in correct formatting:
-bash-4.2$ eos attr ls /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache2
sys.workflow.closew.default=" a file has been written!"

Hi Andrey,

Can you restart your MGM and then grep again for LRU in the logs and post the output? I would expect to see at least a message like start LRU scan somewhere in the logs.
Are you using the namespace in memory or in QuarkDB implementation?


  1. We use QuarkDB.
  2. Thanks for your advice. I see after mgm restart:
    201008 17:45:52 time=1602168352.056704 func=performCycleQDB level=INFO logid=static.............................. tid=00007f2862ff5700 source=LRU:224 tident= sec=(null) uid=99 gid=99 name=- geo="" msg="start LRU scan on QDB"
    201008 17:45:52 time=1602168352.085978 func=ConvertMatch level=INFO logid=static.............................. tid=00007f2862ff5700 source=LRU:621 tident= sec=(null) uid=99 gid=99 name=- geo="" msg="applying match policy" dir="/eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache2/" match="*:1h"
    201008 17:45:52 time=1602168352.086153 func=ConvertMatch level=INFO logid=static.............................. tid=00007f2862ff5700 source=LRU:671 tident= sec=(null) uid=99 gid=99 name=- geo="" time-tag=1h size-tag= <0 >0 limit=0
    Look for details:
    grep -i lru /var/log/eos/mgm/xrdlog.mgm > ~/xrdlog.mgm.0.lru :

Check line:
time-tag=1h size-tag= <0 >0 limit=0

a) time-tag=1h (not >1h)
b) size-tag=<0 …

I changed tag:

After 1 hour I see in the logfile:
201008 18:45:52 time=1602171952.086487 func=ConvertMatch level=INFO logid=static… tid=00007f2862ff5700 source=LRU:671 tident= sec=(null) uid=99 gid=99 name=- geo="" time-tag=>1h size-tag=1k <0 >1 limit=1000
I probe only:
But without result too((
Files are not converted…

Maybe I found the error. I see, by log, that LRU is checking script. But I do not see result of converting. I started convert by hand, and see the next error:
EOS Console [root://] |/> file convert /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3/imm0 gathered:RU::PNPI
error: cannot get default space settings from parent directory attributes (errc=22) (Invalid argument)
EOS Console [root://] |/> attr ls /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3
EOS Console [root://] |/> attr ls /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar
Maybe who can comment on this error?

The problem with converting is clear. Need attribute “” or “”. After fixation:
EOS Console [root://] |/> attr ls /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3
EOS Console [root://] |/> file convert --rewrite /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3/imm1 'gathered:RU::PNPI'
info:: rewriting into space 'default'
info: conversion based layout+stripe arguments
success: pushed conversion job '0000000000000066:default#00650002' to QuarkDB
EOS Console [root://] |/>

But I see next problem:
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos convert list
0000000000000065:default.0#00650002 [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3009] Unable to get free physical space /eos/jinrdvl/proc/conversion 0000000000000065:default.0#00650002; No space left on device; (destination)
-- tpc_src=root:// tpc_dst=root://

But I do not see a problem with space

Some more details (permission of : /eos/jinrdvl/proc/conversion )
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos ls -la /eos/jinrdvl/proc/conversion
drwxrwx--- 1 daemon daemon 0 Oct 29 16:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 daemon daemon 0 Jan 1 1970 ..
dvl-eos-m01:~ #
Check permission:
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos -r 2 2 ls -la /eos/jinrdvl/proc/conversion
drwxrwx--- 1 daemon daemon 0 Oct 28 21:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 daemon daemon 0 Jan 1 1970 ..
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos -r 2 2 cp /etc/passwd /eos/jinrdvl/proc/conversion/000
[eoscp] passwd Total 0.00 MB |====================| 100.00 % [0.0 MB/s]
[eos-cp] copied 1/1 files and 1698 B in 0.27 seconds with 6368 B/s
dvl-eos-m01:~ # eos -r 2 2 rm /eos/jinrdvl/proc/conversion/000
# pre-configuring default route to /eos/user/r/root/
# -use $EOSHOME variable to override
dvl-eos-m01:~ #

Hi Andrey,

Sorry for the late reply! Let’s try something fresh. Could you please execute the following commands on your instance and post the output? Also please use the following sequence of characters to start the code block and the same to finis it ``` so that it gets properly formatted.

eos node ls
eos fs ls
eos space ls
eos mkdir /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3/replica/
eos attr set default=replica /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3/replica/
xrdcp -f /etc/passwd root://localhost//eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3/replica/test1.dat
eos fileinfo /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3/replica/test1.dat
eos file convert --rewrite /eos/jinrdvl/tests/zar/pnpicache3/replica/test1.dat

Also please let me know if you get any errors in the MGM logs.


Hello, Elvin!
Thanks for your help.
From root (long output, I will send by picture):

From user, from UI:

The user has not permission to change attributes.
From root:

Again from user:

And from root:


And mgm log:

Hi Andrey,

Thanks for all the info and especially the logs which helped in finding the problem.
So the issue comes from the fact that you don’t have group 0 in your default space. If no scheduling group is specified explicitly in the convert command the fallback is to use the same space as the original file and group 0 - this means default.0.

But in your particular setup, you don’t have such a group. This most likely comes from the way you configured the instance by explicitly avoiding to create the group 0. The logic in the converter can be improved to select a random group from the current space rather than using this default value - I will fix it in the code for the next release.

In the meantime, as a workaround please also specify the scheduling group in your converter command and thing should work just fine - for example use default.1. Alternatively, you can also create the default.0 scheduling group by adding a few filesystems to it and then the command will work as it is.

Let me know if this fixes you issue and thanks for this report.


Thanks for the help, but, unfortunately, I have not to result now.

  1. “specify the scheduling group in your converter command”:


    I have one result:

MGM log:

  1. With group default.0:
    Group created:


    (One note!! “” is not work)

    And I see again:

Mgm log file for group defoult.0:

Hi Andrey,

You need to specify the scheduling group to the file convert command as follows:

eos file convert --rewrite <your_file> default.1 gathered:RU::PNPI

Then if you want to add the default.0 group you need to put at least two file systems in it since this is a two replica layout. Give it one more try and let me know.
