EOS Graphical Monitoring

Dear All,
Is there any Graphical Tool for Monitoring of EOS?

Presently data from Kolkata::EOS and Kolkata::SE have been transferring to Kolkata::EOS2. In this respect we want to monitor the performance of transfers, disks, nodes etc under RAIN-6 configuration.

We are following via group, node, fs etc command.

[root@eos-mgm ~]# eos -b group ls --io
│name │ diskload│ diskr-MB/s│ diskw-MB/s│ eth-MiB/s│ ethi-MiB│ etho-MiB│ ropen│ wopen│ used-bytes│ max-bytes│ used-files│ max-files│ bal-shd│ drain-shd│
default.0 0.00 0 18 8344 637 430 6 205 6.16 TB 68.56 TB 462.95 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.1 0.00 0 24 8344 637 430 2 232 4.80 TB 68.56 TB 376.80 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.10 0.07 86 41 8344 637 430 3 129 6.18 TB 68.56 TB 464.32 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.11 0.00 0 0 8344 637 430 2 174 4.81 TB 68.56 TB 377.24 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.12 0.00 0 6 8344 637 430 0 136 6.07 TB 68.56 TB 463.99 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.13 0.00 0 17 8344 637 430 6 235 4.81 TB 68.56 TB 376.69 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.14 0.00 0 10 8344 637 430 7 246 6.11 TB 68.56 TB 462.72 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.15 0.00 0 15 8344 637 430 0 201 4.73 TB 68.56 TB 377.77 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.2 0.00 0 11 8344 637 430 0 134 6.10 TB 68.56 TB 462.84 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.3 0.00 0 13 8344 637 430 1 168 4.92 TB 68.56 TB 377.00 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.4 0.02 47 20 8344 637 430 0 151 6.17 TB 68.56 TB 463.10 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.5 0.02 45 7 8344 637 430 0 157 4.88 TB 68.56 TB 378.38 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.6 0.04 91 11 8344 637 430 0 136 6.12 TB 68.56 TB 464.39 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.7 0.00 0 27 8344 637 430 3 203 5.08 TB 68.56 TB 376.76 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.8 0.01 0 73 8344 637 430 0 203 6.12 TB 68.56 TB 462.31 K 6.70 G 0 0
default.9 0.02 0 131 8344 637 430 2 159 4.93 TB 68.56 TB 378.13 K 6.70 G 0 0

Are all these information are written under logs also? if yes How to parse these info from logs.


Hi Vikas,

You can give it a try a this prometheus exporter for eos that I’ve written some time ago:



Dear Roberto,

We install your mentioned prometheus exporter in our EOS manager node (Headnode) at ALICE::KOLKATA::EOS2.
But it shows “panic:signal:killed” error as follows:-

[root@eos-mgm eos_exporter]# ./eos_exporter eos-instance=“alicekolkata”
INFO[0000] Starting eos_exporter (version=, branch=, revision=) source=“eos_exporter.go:78”
INFO[0000] Build context (go=go1.12.1, user=, date=) source=“eos_exporter.go:79”
INFO[0000] Starting eos exporter for cluster: %s eos-instance=alicekolkata source=“eos_exporter.go:81”
INFO[0000] Listening on :9373 source=“eos_exporter.go:95”
panic: signal: killed

goroutine 22 [running]:
eos_exporter/collector.(*FSCollector).collectFSDF(0xc000001980, 0xb2b180, 0xc000010580)
/usr/local/go/src/eos_exporter/collector/fs.go:364 +0x1c28
eos_exporter/collector.(*FSCollector).Collect(0xc000001980, 0xc0001b2120)
/usr/local/go/src/eos_exporter/collector/fs.go:568 +0x2f
main.(*EOSExporter).Collect(0xc0001f66a0, 0xc0001b2120)
/usr/local/go/src/eos_exporter/eos_exporter.go:62 +0xa6
eos_exporter/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus.(*Registry).Gather.func2(0xc0001ae060, 0xc0001b2120, 0xb2c940, 0xc0001f66a0)
/usr/local/go/src/eos_exporter/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/registry.go:433 +0x61
created by eos_exporter/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus.(*Registry).Gather
/usr/local/go/src/eos_exporter/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/registry.go:431 +0x2e9
[root@eos-mgm eos_exporter]#

We have install it in this following path:-
[root@eos-mgm eos_exporter]# pwd

After running the code provided by you, EOS Exporter is running on the browser with port no 9373. But every time after some while it gets crashed and in terminal a message of “panic: signal: killed” appears.

Please let us know how can we rectify it?

(Note: OS in EOS is CentOS 7.6. Should we install it in FST also?)


Hi prasun,

I will have a look and let you know,


EDIT: no, no need to install it in the fst’s.