Eos-docker disk-sync fails to register fsids


I’m attempting to follow the eos-docker docs to register 10 fsids mounted on the docker FST node under /var/eos/fs/2000…2009

It appears to correctly enumerate there are 10 fsids to register, but then fails when running eosfstregister with error and exit code below.

I added some echo debug statements to eos-docker to zero in on where it is failing.
How do I enable output of the DEBUG lines instead? Does ED_DUBUG need set environmentally or something?

On the mgm:

[root@alice-eos-01 ~]# eos-docker disk-sync fsts
In eosDockerFstRegisterDisks...
Log ED_DEBUG is 
Checking host 'warp-ornl-cern-02.ornl.gov' ...
It's pssh -h /root/eos/eos-docker-fst.cf -i -t 0 -o /root/eos/out/pssh -O StrictHostKeyChecking=no
Synchronizing EOS etc and bin directories ...
Packing eos-docker tarball ...
Cleaning scripts on FSTs ...
[1] 22:50:59 [SUCCESS] warp-ornl-cern-02.ornl.gov
Copying eos-docker tarball on FSTs ...
[1] 22:50:59 [SUCCESS] warp-ornl-cern-02.ornl.gov
Unpacking tarball on FSTs ...
[1] 22:50:59 [SUCCESS] warp-ornl-cern-02.ornl.gov
Doing disk-sync ...
[1] 22:51:00 [FAILURE] warp-ornl-cern-02.ornl.gov Exited with error code 255
In eosDockerFstRegisterDisks...
Log ED_DEBUG is 
Searching for data disks in /var/eos/fs ...
NUM_FS is: 10
Doing 'docker exec eos-fst eosfstregister -i /var/eos/fs/ default:0'

Running the eosfstregister command within the FST container:

[root@warp-ornl-cern-02 (eos-docker fst) /]# eosfstregister -i /var/eos/fs/ default:0
# <eosfstregister> v1.0.0
error: Your policy definitions don't match the number of file systems I have found [ #filesystem = 10 #fspolicies = 0 ]
[root@warp-ornl-cern-02 (eos-docker fst) /]# echo $?

Thank you,

On docker FST manually ran eosfstregister with default:10 which registered then with mgm and they were online in eos fs ls

[root@warp-ornl-cern-02 (eos-docker fst) /]# eosfstregister -i /var/eos/fs/ default:10

default:0 appears hard coded in eos-docker eosDockerFstRegisterDisk - should that be passed as an arg, equal to NUM_FS or the groups created during eos init, or some other value?
