Adding specific disk/partitions to EOS spaces

Hi All,

I followed the instructions in the “getting started” Doc and managed to setup a toy EOS system with two hosts. What I couldn’t figure out though is how do I add disks/partitions and how do I control the configuration (setting up redundancy, replication, etc.). So maybe you can point me to the right docs and/or tutorials for this? I tried looking up the manual but could not find anything.

Many thanks,


Hi Oren,

this is described here: 4.3. Getting Started — EOS DIOPSIDE documentation

Essentially if you register from another node than the MGM, you have to make sure, you have the sss key on that node /eos/eos.keytab

and then as an example if you want to register a single disk /data/01/

you make sure, that directory /data/01/ is owned by daemon:daemon (chown daemon:daemon /data/01/)

You should create a space in the mgm e.g.
@mgm: eos space define default

Your FST node should also be defined and switched on:
@mgm: eos node set fstnodename:1095 on

Then you run on the FST node:
@fst: eosfstregister mgmnodename /data/01/ default:1

Once you see the filesystem registered and it shows up as ONLINE/active in RW
mode, you can define a layout policy in the namespace to have e.g. two copies of a file (if you have registered two filesystems from two different nodes!)

@mgm: eos space set default on

@mgm: eos mkdir /eos/dev/rep-2/
@mgm: eos attr set default=replica /eos/dev/rep-2 /
@mgm: eos chmod 777 /eos/dev/rep-2/

xrdcp myfile root://mgmnode//eos/dev/rep-2/myfile

Here are my steps:

# make six directorys:
for name in 01 02 03 04 05 06; do
  mkdir -p /data/fst/$name;
  chown daemon:daemon /data/fst/$name

# format the disk as a file system, for example, xfs. and mount to directories:
for name in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
  mkfs.xfs /dev/nvme0n$name -f;
  mount -t xfs -o noatime,nodiratime /dev/nvme0n$name  /data/fst/$name

# define space
eos space define default

eosfstregister -r localhost /data/fst/ default:6

for name in 2 3 4 5 6; do eos fs mv --force $name default.0; done

eos space set default on

I hope it helps you.


Thanks to those who replied. However, what I am looking for is something else - maybe some kind of a cookbook that explains how to implement various storage configurations (local disk mirroring, storage tiring, offsite replication, etc.)