Config in quarkDB for master/slave(s)

Thank you Georgios,

What do you mean by only relevant to the namespace tests ?

I tried EOS_QUARKDB_PASSWORD in /etc/sysconfig/eos_env and it did not work, I had to put it in /etc/

Will quarkdb evolve as an EOS managed daemon and be started with eos or will it stay a separate xrootd daemon ?

Anyway, it works now with a password.

Thank you



On a test instance that was correctly migrated on QuarkDB namespace, we have been trying the configuration in QuarkDB, and master/slave configuration, but there is some issue : the slave boots and loads the namespace, but the boot state is not correct :

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Namespace Statistics
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      Files                            29641 [failed] (1558626981s)
ALL      Directories                      16597
ALL      Total boot time                  1558626978 s

Even if we can browse the files using eos command line, the changes in the master seem not replicated on the slave.

The configuration is correctly in QuarkDB :

# eos config ls
Existing Configurations on QuarkDB
created: Thu May 23 12:25:43 2019 name: backup
created: Fri May 24 11:08:37 2019 name: default *

But it seems we have the old replication scheme (on both MGM), with mention of file configuration, is that normal ? :

ALL      Replication                      mode=master-rw state=master-rw configdir=/var/eos/config/ config=default

Slave can see master (mgm:...=ok) but master doesn’t see slave (mgm:...=down)

So I suppose that something is missing, maybe someone can understand which one it could be ?

In addition to this, I have some questions about using the QuarkDB master/slave architecture :

  • How do the FSTs know about the current master ? Do we have to ensure that the hostnames set in EOS_MGM_ALIAS and EOS_BROKER_URL environment variables are always resolving to current master, for instance by some mechanism updating the DNS depending on the current master ?
  • Is all the configuration supposed to be also replicated to the slave in real time (fs status, vid, space configuration, etc…) ?

Hi Franck,

You need to enable the QuarkdbMaster class which is different from the old Master implementation, which you are apparently using. Therefore put the following env variable in the /eos/sysconfig/eos_env file for both the master and the slave machines:


Thank you Elvin,

Yes, this is what was missing, indeed !

So nothing particular to be done on the FST side, right ?
Because sometimes when a MGM starts as slave, it seems it can’t see the FSTs (they have unknown status)

Hi @esindril,

In fact, I think I have been left with this question : how to have all MGM (master and slave) been contacted by the FSTs so that they can all see them as online ?

And in general, what would be the correct set up so that also clients contact the new master when there is a new master elected ? Should it be with a DNS alias that automatically changes based on which node has the master lease ?

Hi Franck,

One thing which I forgot to mention is that the mq daemons need also the pointers for the QDB cluster. Therefore, in the /etc/ you also need to put:

mq.qdbpassword_file /etc/eos.keytab

With this the slave should get the correct status of the FSTs.

Nevertheless, indeed if you want the client to always connect to the correct master then you either have to do some DNS trick to point the alias to the current master or you can deploy another MGM which acts just like a redirector and he redirects clients to the correct MGM master.
For this you need to setup a route using the “eos route command” in the newly deployed MGM redirector. Something like this:

eos route link /eos/,

The MGM redirector will continuously poll the status of the other MGMs in the route command and will figure out who is the master therefore properly redirecting the clients to the correct MGM. There a small penalty for the redirection but for normal operations this should not be visible.


Hello Evin, Franck,

I am surprised: I do not have those “mq.qdb*” statements in “/etc/” and the slave manager has no problem listing the filesystems:

[root@nanxrd16(EOSSLAVE) ~]# eos -b ns | grep -i replic
ALL      Replication                      is_master=false
[root@nanxrd16(EOSSLAVE) ~]#eos -b fs ls
│host                    │port│    id│                            path│      schedgroup│          geotag│        boot│  configstatus│ drainstatus│  active│          health│
└────────────────────────┴────┴──────┴────────────────────────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────┴────────────┴──────────────┴────────────┴────────┴────────────────┘        1095      1                          /data01        default.0    SUBATECH-H002       booted             rw      nodrain   online      no smartctl        1095      2                          /data01        default.0    SUBATECH-H002       booted             rw      nodrain   online      no smartctl        1095      3                          /data01        default.0    SUBATECH-H002       booted             rw      nodrain   online      no smartctl        1095      4                          /data02        default.0    SUBATECH-H002       booted             rw      nodrain   online      no smartctl        1095      5                          /data02        default.0    SUBATECH-H002       booted             rw      nodrain   online      no smartctl        1095      6                          /data02        default.0    SUBATECH-H002       booted             rw      nodrain   online      no smartctl 

This is on a test EOS using QuarkDB for NS and config.


Hi Jean Michel,

If you do a master-slave switch then the MQ from the old master will still be the “master” MQ. Therefore, you need this configuration also in the MQ to have everything working file also after you restart one of the MGMs.

You can end up with missing (FST) updates after you do a transition and then you restart both the MGM and MQ on the new slave.


Thank you Elvin for this precision, in fact this mq configuration seems to solve the problem.

With this, the MQ will automatically switch to the same role (slave or master) that the MGM running on the same host, correct ?

Another aspect that I’m not sure how to handle is the default max cache numbers ? Changing it with eos ns cache set -d/-f command seems not persistent after restart, and not even master/slave switch. We have plenty of RAM, and we would need to set it at higher number than default ones (30M files, and 3M directories)

Yes, we try to keep both MGM and MQ masters on the same machine. We’ll soon drop the MQ daemon but until then this is how it should work.

Indeed we don’t persist the ns cache size values at the moment. We could add them to the config and reapply them after restart.


Hello Elvin,

I added the mq.qdb lines to /etc/ but I was wondering about the best way to point to the QDB cluster: should we use ? :

  1. mq.qdbcluster localhost:7777
  2. mq.qdbcluster round-robin-dns-alias:7777
  3. mq.qdbcluster node1:7777,node2:7777,node3:7777

I noticed also that when executing the command master other, the message is misleading (it says that the current machine is now the master wħich is wrong…):

[root@nanxrd15(EOSMASTER) ~]#eos -b ns | grep Repli
ALL      Replication                      is_master=true
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@nanxrd15(EOSMASTER) ~]#eos -b ns master other
success: <> is now the master

Is there a simple way to check if the mq daemon is master or slave ?

And to finish with, I find that the /var/log/eos/mq/ log on the slave mq is growing continually with lines such as:

190625 14:31:32 time=1561465892.741034 func=ShouldRedirectQdb level=INFO logid=5e75f00e-9665-11e9-8779-003048de1e44 tid=00007f2b4cefe700 source=XrdMqOfs:878 tident=<service> sec= uid=0 gid=0 name= geo="" msg="redirect to new master mq"

I do not know if this is expected…




I understand that after changing the mq config file, the mq daemon needs to be reloaded. Is it safe to restart the master MQ while on activity, or is there a risk to lose some message and lead to data corruption ?

I confirm @barbet observation of incorrect message when doing a master/slave switch (it mentions the old master instead of new one) with eos ns master other. And it would indeed help in troubleshooting if we could easily have a way to know if a MQ is master or slave.

Hi Jean Michel,

Sorry for the late reply, I was on holidays last week. For you first question, you can add any of the last two options. But for simplicity I would go for option 3 where you list all the qdb nodes. The qclient will take care of connecting to the correct master so you don’t have to worry about that.

Indeed, the message a bit misleading but not totally wrong. On the moment you issue the command that is the master but will soon drop out. I will improve that.

For you last question, the messages in the logs are normal and there are also an indication that the current MQ is acting as a slave. There is no other way at the moment to tell if the MQ is acting as master or slave. As I said before, we plan on dropping this daemon soon so all this will be greatly simplified.


Hi Franck,

Restarting the MQ whilel running can not lead to data corruption. The messages from the MGM/FSTs will simply be resent so this operation is safe.


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It seems that in this setup, balancing is not working fro us. We can see such lines when activating debug level :

func=Balance level=DEBUG [...] source=Balancer:97 [...] geo="" msg="force balancing off due to slave-master transition"

How could we enable it back ?

Hi Franck,

Could you post the output of “eos ns”, please?


Sure, here you are :

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Namespace Statistics
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      Files                            86058 [booted] (0s)
ALL      Directories                      16629
ALL      Total boot time                  1 s
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      Replication                      is_master=true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      files created since boot         600
ALL      container created since boot     0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      current file id                  314502
ALL      current container id             19997
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      eosxd caps                       0
ALL      eosxd clients                    3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      File cache max num               30000000
ALL      File cache occupancy             75993
ALL      In-flight FileMD                 0
ALL      Container cache max num          3000000
ALL      Container cache occupancy        1933
ALL      In-flight ContainerMD            0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      memory virtual                   2.65 GB
ALL      memory resident                  473.95 MB
ALL      memory share                     21.87 MB
ALL      memory growths                   561.50 MB
ALL      threads                          221
ALL      fds                              267
ALL      uptime                           105307
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL      drain info                       id=default, thread_pool_min=1, thread_pool_max=400, thread_pool_size=1, queue_size=0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is our test instance, but we observe the same also on our production instance.

What version of EOS are you running?

We are still running 4.4.23

Ok, this explains why it’s not working as it should.
The version you have is still missing some features to have the HA setup working.
Particularly this is what prohibits the balancer to be enabled.

I suggest to use anything >= 4.4.47 for the HA setup to work fine.
